Faith is my original dog. She is a red piebald and weighs about 11 lbs when she is not bred. She is long-haired and came to me from a good friend who happens to be a vet in Maryland. She is wickedly smart and very, very loving and loyal. She is now retired and living life wonderfully as my pet.
Princess is a cream piebald out of Faith and Genesis. I've kept her to replace Faith as Faith is getting older and I'm retiring her. Princess is a beauty. Long haired and is a welcome addition to my kennel. Her first litter was with Chester and she had 4 beautiful cream piebalds. I have kept one of them (BeBe) for my future breeding. Very, very sweet puppies. Princess has been retired to another loving home now.
Prissy is a long haired black and tan out of Danielle and Genesis. Danielle is getting older and I'm keeping her to replace Danielle. I can't wait to breed her to Chester and see what beautiful puppies they will produce. Prissy's first litter was six puppies with Chester. 2 are solid black/tans and the rest black piebalds. Beautiful long haired puppies. I am keeping one of them for my future breeding (Billie, below). Retiring soon after a C-Section and hard delivery of her last litter.
Bess is out of Faith and Genesis. She is an ee Red and genetically carries for Chocolate, cream and maybe black. She should have her first litter this fall/early winter and I will be breeding her to Bo. She has had two litters and is a great mom producing beautiful puppies
Billie is a black/tan longhair out of Prissy and Chester. She was born in my kennel and is a sweet girl who produces sweeter puppies
Faye is Faith's daughter out of Bo. She is a lovely Black and Tan dapple (sometimes called a black and silver) long hair and is full of fun and energy. She has Dad's loving personality and is a clown and wants all your love and attention. Retiring soon because she is so small and breeding is hard on her. The dogs always come first.
No you are not seeing double. Bonnie and Bobbie are littermates, both raised here in my kennel. Difference is Bobbie is long haired. She is a little quieter than her sister and is genetically a chocolate. Bonnie is no longer here but I now have her daughter and she will soon be having puppies for me.
Brooke is a chocolate and tan long hair out of Danielle and Chester, so she is a sister to Prissy. She produces the sweetest puppies. She is a bit shy at first but quickly warms up and wants pets and loving. She is no longer shy and continues to be a great mom.
Cece is a short hair chocolate and tan dapple out of Bitsy and Bo. Its hard to get a picture of her because she doesn't stop moving (as is common with the smooths.) She loves to tell you when she wants something and will loves her treats. She is as sweet as can be and gives sweeter puppies.